I’m currently working as an IT consultant for an IT outsourcing company. My work normally revolves around Microsoft 365, Azure and Windows Servers/Clients.
Lately, I’ve worked a lot with the “Microsoft 365 Business Premium” or “Microsoft 365 E3” license and services.
While working with Microsoft365/Azure AD licenses, I’ve experienced the ease of using Azure AD license groups for license control (Maybe I’ll make a post about this later). But I’ve also experienced the pain and frustration about Microsoft 365 license compliance and mixed license, which Microsoft have not cared to make a tool for. When customers come to me, as an expert, for sound advice, they expect me to recommend the correct Microsoft365 licenses, which “of course” consist of a “compliant package” (at this point in time).
After a while I found this session from directionsonmicrosoft where they explain the “Microsoft 365 Hidden Licensing”. After watching the session I thought, I might be able to create script, that tells you whether or not a customer’s tenant is compliant. https://www.directionsonmicrosoft.com/sites/default/files/samples/webinars/2019-10-24_Microsoft_365_Hidden_Licensing_Costs/presentation_html5.html
I’ve worked on the script for some weeks, and it seems to be ready for some alpha runs. The script can be found at https://github.com/ingildsens/ms365-license-tools/blob/main/reportCheckIfLicenseGroupIsComplaint.ps1 .
Update: This script is now created as a webpage https://ms365licensetools.z6.web.core.windows.net/, with Azure Storage Account (Static Webpage) and Azure Functions, I got inspiration from this video https://youtu.be/UblF7aJWqAA.
Bonus: I’ve also created this script, which is used to determine the cheapest license combination for a license group. https://github.com/ingildsens/ms365-license-tools/blob/main/reportCalculateCheapestPlanCombination.ps1